1: ジャストフェイスロック(東京都)@\(^o^)/ 2015/04/16(木) 22:57:22.01 ID:JP+DjGYC0.net BE:292723191-PLT(19081) ポイント特典
A dad and daughter have become overnight celebrities - for having the
world's widest tongues.

Byron Schlenker was gobsmacked to discover he had has made it into the
Guinness Book of World Records for the jaw-dropping feat.

His tongue measures a whopping 8.6cm across the same width as a beer mat
and 2cm wider than an iPhone 6.

And daughter Emily 14, is not far behind at 7.3cm - the widest female
tongue in the world.
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引用元: 【画像】 世界一幅広い舌を持つ男。娘は世界一幅広い舌を持つ女

【【画像】 世界一幅広い舌を持つ男。娘は世界一幅広い舌を持つ女】の続きを読む