1: [Φ|(|´|Д|`|)|🌀] BBxed!! フランケンシュタイナー(庭)@\(^o^)/ 2015/10/31(土) 23:26:27.10 ID:CeL84PlT0●.net BE:545512288-PLT(16444) ポイント特典
IS group in Egypt claims it downed Russian airliner
Cairo (AFP) - The Islamic State group's affiliate in Egypt claimed
it had downed the Russian passenger plane that crashed Saturday in the Sinai Peninsula,
where the jihadists are waging an insurgency, killing all on board.
"The soldiers of the caliphate succeeded in bringing down a Russian plane in Sinai,"
said the statement circulated on social media.
Cairo (AFP) - The Islamic State group's affiliate in Egypt claimed
it had downed the Russian passenger plane that crashed Saturday in the Sinai Peninsula,
where the jihadists are waging an insurgency, killing all on board.
"The soldiers of the caliphate succeeded in bringing down a Russian plane in Sinai,"
said the statement circulated on social media.
引用元: ・【速報】 ISISが犯行声明 「ロシア旅客機を撃墜」
【【速報】 ISISが犯行声明 「ロシア旅客機を撃墜」】の続きを読む