1: ラ ケブラーダ(東京都)@無断転載は禁止 [JP] 2016/10/20(木) 15:10:56.15 ID:1FYkRrzL0 BE:292723191-PLT(19081) ポイント特典
A rail worker risked his life to save a cyclist who had no idea he was about
to get hit by a train in this astonishing CCTV footage uncovered by the Mirror.
The man was pushed out of the way just moments before they both were about
to be killed in one of the most heartstopping near-misses ever caught on camera.
The 52-second clip captures a man, who appears to be wearing a beanie hat or
possibly headphones, stumbling and falling as he crosses a single railway track
with his bike.
It is believed the man may have been drunk.
He then slowly gets up and throws the bike to the other side.
But then, in stomach-churning scenes, the man continues to stay in the middle
of the track, picking up items from the floor and putting them back into a bag.
He is facing the opposite way from an oncoming train, and appears not to be
able to hear it approaching.
The heroic worker then throws himself at the cyclist, pushing him out of the
path of the train, avoiding catastrophe just in the nick of time.

to get hit by a train in this astonishing CCTV footage uncovered by the Mirror.
The man was pushed out of the way just moments before they both were about
to be killed in one of the most heartstopping near-misses ever caught on camera.
The 52-second clip captures a man, who appears to be wearing a beanie hat or
possibly headphones, stumbling and falling as he crosses a single railway track
with his bike.
It is believed the man may have been drunk.
He then slowly gets up and throws the bike to the other side.
But then, in stomach-churning scenes, the man continues to stay in the middle
of the track, picking up items from the floor and putting them back into a bag.
He is facing the opposite way from an oncoming train, and appears not to be
able to hear it approaching.
The heroic worker then throws himself at the cyclist, pushing him out of the
path of the train, avoiding catastrophe just in the nick of time.

引用元: ・【動画】酔っ払いが線路を渡ろうとして電車にひかれそうになったところを鉄道作業員が間一髪救助 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net